

Design Consultant

elephant moving in
elephant moving out

Sanjay Madnani is a Communication Strategist and Designer by profession, an Animation Film Designer, an illustrator, a cartoonist, a satirist, and a storyteller by passion.

From a cartoonist in Hindi newspapers, to a design student, to a commercial sector professional, to an educator, to a Development Communication professional, his journey has had dramatic turns. None, however, felt alien to him.

Being a development sector insider for twenty odd years, Sanjay weighs heavily on the fact that development and governance still has a enormous void to be filled by design, design thinking and design process. Focused on Communication for Development (C4D), Social and Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC), Indigenous media and new media, he has multiple crosscutting projects across the globe to his credit.

Sanjay resides in Nepal, calls India his home, then again, he travels around a lot for work.

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Design Consultant

Communication for Development

Social and Behavioral Change Communication

Indigenous Media

Innovative training/education

Training games, tools and toys

Film, animation, graphics, illustrations

Interactive digital media

Hover mouse over the Elephant